Khmer Iced Coffee with Sugar Cane Juice in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Khmer Coffee with Sugar Cane Juice

by Kompi Coffee, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Cambodia is known for its coffee culture, and it seems as if you can find at least one cafe or coffee stall on every street throughout the country! Khmer coffee tends to be strong, and is often mixed with sweetened condensed milk.

The other day I tried something totally new. Instead of mixing their coffee with condensed milk, Kompi Coffee, a trendy and modern cafe in Phnom Penh, serves their coffee sweetened with fresh sugarcane juice.

Khmer iced coffee with fresh sugarcane juice in Phnomn Penh, Cambodia
Khmer iced coffee with fresh sugarcane juice in Phnomn Penh, Cambodia

If you have never had fresh sugarcane juice before, you are in for a treat. It's surprisingly not as sweet as you might expect. I'd say it's far less sweet than a typical glass of orange juice. Sugarcane juice has a cool, refreshing, and mildly sweet taste with a bit of a grassy flavor.

At Kompi Coffee, they layer the sugarcane juice and coffee together in one glass, which you can mix together. The coffee is sweet, but less sweet than if you added sugar, and the sugarcane cuts through the strong bitterness of the coffee to give it a really nice, refreshing flavor.

I've never seen coffee with sugarcane before. It's a really special mix of flavors.

Kompi Coffee, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Kompi Coffee, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

More Information

Check out Komi Coffee's Facebook page here:


Kompi Coffee is located in a modern community market area at Kompi Coffee, St 155, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

It's a popular cafe that offers coffee in the morning and cocktails in the evening. The cafe has plenty of English novels and board games for visitors to enjoy. Be sure to say hello to "Shorty", the cafe puppy!

See the map below for the exact location.
