David's Noodles - The Best Handmade Noodles in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Handmade Noodle Soup with Chicken

by David's Restaurant Homemade Noodles, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

"Order the Noodles to See the Show", read a banner above David's Noodle, one of the most popular noodle restaurants in the Royal Palace neighborhood. In recent years, David's has gained a well-deserved reputation for serving up some of the absolute best noodles, all made by hand by the owner himself!

While staying in Phnom Penh, I made the pilgrimage to have dinner at David's to see if it's worth the hype, and let me tell you, making each noodle by hand really makes all the difference. The magic to a bowl of noodles at David's is in the artistry and care put in to making each and every bowl of soup.

noodle soup with chicken at David's, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
noodle soup with chicken at David's, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

David's has a large menu with plenty of Cambodian dishes (as well as an entire page of signature cocktails!), but what really put David's on the map is the noodle soup. Of course, that's what I was there for.

I ordered a bowl of noodle soup with chicken, and watched as the restaurant's owner began kneading dough and pulling the noodles by hand at his counter at the front of the restaurant. He would pull the dough as far as it could stretch, then sling it down with a thump on the table, before folding the dough in half and doing it again and again. Making noodles by hand is not easy, but the quality difference in using handmade noodles versus storebought ones is easily noticeable from the first bite.

handmade noodles at David's Noodles in Phnom Penh
handmade noodles at David's Noodles in Phnom Penh

My soup arrived shortly, along with a small cup of chopped garlic. I added the whole thing into my soup. I'm a firm believer in the fact that you can never have too much garlic!

The noodles were thicker than storebought noodles and had a fantastic slightly chewier texture. They were definitely the star of the show. 

Cambodian chicken noodle soup with fresh garlic, Phnom Penh
Cambodian chicken noodle soup with fresh garlic, Phnom Penh

The broth was warm and tasty, and not too salty. The soup was served with lots of thinly sliced chicken, all of which was brought and cooked fresh in the broth before serving. It was also served with chopped green onion and plenty of healthy Chinese kale.

I can see why David's is so popular! It's not just the sublime noodles, but the atmosphere. It's a friendly and welcoming place to eat. Plus, it's a lot of fun to watch the noodles being made before enjoying your meal.

Khmer chicken noodle soup at David's in Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Khmer chicken noodle soup at David's in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

Menu and Prices

The restaurant is very popular with tourists, as it's a very foreigner-friendly introduction to Khmer food. The signs and menus are all in English, and all of the staff can speak English as well. If you need help, the staff are happy to offer recommendations. The prices are slightly higher than other street food shops in Phnom Penh, but reasonable. Expect a bowl of noodle soup to cost between 4-6 USD.


David's Restaurant is located at 13, #166 Preah Ang Eng St. (13), Phnom Penh. It's on a lively road behind Wat Ounalom Monastery, and just a short 2 or 3-minute walk from the Cambodian National Museum.

David's Restaurant is open daily from 10am to 10pm.

David's Restaurant Homemade Noodles, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
David's Restaurant Homemade Noodles, Phnom Penh, Cambodia

See the map below for the exact location,
